Senior Resources
Just as children are not small adults, elderly people are not merely older adults. They have unique health care and metal wellness needs.
Check out our Senior Mental Wellness Resources page on our website to find Family Support Groups for Seniors, Yoga for Seniors, and resources for seniors. Thank you to United Healthcare for making these resources possible. Go to
For free Senior Visitors services, contact Mental Health America, Fredericksburg at 540) 371-2704
Monday through Friday from 9 am – 2 pm.
They also support an up-to-date list of local professional mental health providers at this Helpline site
The HELPLINE is dedicated to connecting people with counselors, therapists, psychologists, social workers, psychiatrists, mental health agencies, treatment centers, crisis centers, inpatient care, outpatient or in-home care, wellness services, associations and much more.
For personal assistance in locating a mental health provider, please call their office
at (540) 371-2704 Monday through Friday from 9 am – 2 pm.